Coping with Stress, Depression, and Anxiety During the Pandemic
The COVID pandemic has had a profound effect on our behavioral health and currently, close to 40 percent of Utah adults report they’re experiencing feelings of pandemic-related anxiety or depression. Recent studies have found that 20 percent of patients who recover from COVID-19 are later diagnosed with a mental illness within 90 days.
Cada Domingo – Javier Alegre & Elisha Betancourt – Mental Health Service
We continue the conversation around mental and emotional health. Javier Alegre, Executive Director for Latino Behavioral Health Services and Elisha Betancourt, Licensed Clinical Social Worker with Safe Utah jon us to talk about some of the challenges and risk-factors different members of our community face, as well as the types of resources available to them online, by phone, and to a limited extent, in-person.

The Live On campaign recognizes that suicide is not a one-size fits all problem
Utah ranks in the top 10 states for suicide death. While suicide is a leading cause of death and many people report thoughts of suicide, the topic is still largely met with silence and shame.
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration: Live On resources
(KUTV) — Live On is a statewide effort to prevent suicide by promoting education, providing resources, and changing our culture around suicide and mental health. Together we can get through, reach out, lift up, look ahead, and Live On.
Intermountain Healthcare gives $1.2 million to suicide prevention cause
SALT LAKE CITY — Seeing a need for a more comprehensive approach to battling suicide in Utah, Intermountain Healthcare is giving $1.2 million to the Live On campaign and its efforts to change important conversations that could lead Utahns to get help earlier.
Intermountain Healthcare donates $1.2 million to Utah’s suicide prevention efforts
SALT LAKE CITY (KUTV) — A major donation is giving sustainability to a new state project that aims at saving lives.
The Live On campaign is a resource for suicide prevention in Utah and it got a big boost that will help fund it for years. Intermountain Healthcare donated $1.2 million to the program during suicide prevention month.
Utah Coalition Plan Focuses on LGBTQ Suicide Prevention
SALT LAKE CITY – Members of Utah’s Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer or Questioning community are at a much greater suicide risk than any other identifiable group. Using a 2019 Utah study on health issues – which for the first time included gender identity and sexual orientation – the Utah Suicide Prevention Coalition has developed an LGBTQ Strategic Suicide Prevention Plan.
Today is World Suicide Prevention Day: Resources Utahns need to know about
SALT LAKE CITY, Utah (ABC4 News) – September is National Suicide Prevention Month, Sept. 6-12 is National Suicide Prevention Week and Sept. 10 is World Suicide Prevention Day. According to the Utah State Health Department, an average of 627 Utahns die from suicide each year. An average of 4,574 Utahns attempts suicide each year.
‘Live On’ Suicide Prevention Campaign
The potential mental health effects of the COVID-19 pandemic are profound – particularly as the pandemic spreads and has longer-term effects on the general population, the economy, and vulnerable people
Utah launches statewide initiative to help prevent suicide

In honor of National Mental Health Awareness Month, the Live On Campaign will be available to all Utahns. This three-year initiative is aimed at promoting education, providing resources and changing the culture around suicide and mental health.