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About Suicide Prevention in Utah
The coalition, in collaboration with the Utah State Legislature and many private donors, has founded Live On Utah.
We are dedicated to suicide prevention, the promotion of resiliency, and supporting those impacted by suicide.
Suicide is a leading cause of preventable death in Utah and takes lives without regard to age, income, race, or gender. We are a public-private partnership of community members, suicide survivors, service providers, state and local government officials, researchers, and others dedicated to saving lives and advancing suicide prevention efforts in Utah.

The Utah Suicide Prevention Plan guides our work.
We are pleased to share with you Utah’s Suicide Prevention Plan for 2022-2026, which outlines the collaborative prevention work of suicide prevention professionals, researchers, health and behavioral healthcare workers, LGBTQ+ advocates, survivors, family members, and others affected by suicide.
The purpose of the 2022-2026 Utah Suicide Prevention Plan is to lay out long-term and short-term goals detailing the strategies and metrics that will be used to reduce suicide deaths and attempts in Utah. The 2022-2026 Utah Suicide Prevention Plan aims to continue previous prevention efforts and describe new understanding of the many dynamics impacting suicide deaths and the statewide efforts to reduce deaths.
Utah Suicide Prevention Plan
Utah Suicide Prevention Plan 2022-2026
Executive Summary: Utah Suicide Prevention State Plan 2022-2026
Supporting Documents for State Plan
Get involved in suicide prevention.
If you are looking to get involved in suicide prevention efforts in Utah, the Utah Suicide Prevention Coalition is a great place to start! Details about our bi-monthly meetings are below:
2nd Monday of January, March, May, June, September, and November
1:00 – 2:30pm (unless otherwise noted)
Due to COVID-19 we will be having our coalition meeting via Google Meet. An invitation to the meeting will be sent out to the individuals on our email list. If you would like to join us during this meeting, please contact:
Coalition meetings are an opportunity to receive training and updated information about suicide prevention in Utah. We also have several work-groups that meet monthly, focusing on specific strategies to improve suicide prevention efforts. The work-group areas of focus are:
- Community Awareness
- Faith
- Lethal Means
- Workplace
- Youth
- Zero Suicide
If you need more information, or want to be added to our email list, please contact us.
To contact us about getting involved in the coalition, click the button below.