ACEs Learning Collaborative – Family Friendly Workplaces: Better Workforces, Stronger Families
Family friendly workplace policies are good for families, businesses, and the economy. But for far too many American families, policies such as paid parental leave, flexible scheduling, remote work, and childcare are simply out of reach. Research shows investment in family friendly workplaces not only pays off in healthier, safer children, and stronger families, but also increases workforce productivity and the ability to find, motivate and retain quality employees.
Please join the Department of Health and Human Services and the Utah Coalition for Protecting Childhood to learn more about efforts to better understand the family friendly workplace policy landscape in Utah.
1. Learn about the Utah Community Builders and Gardner Policy Institute’s statewide needs assessment of working Utah parents
2. Learn how to utilize the Department of Workforce Services child care subsidies and Quality Rating and Improvement System (QRIS).
This event is eligible for 1.5 hours of CE credits for social work. Approval is pending for 1.5 hours of CHES/MCHES CE credits.
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