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The Utah Suicide Prevention Coalition and the Division of Substance Abuse and Mental Health are committed to training and education on curriculum that can help communities build capacity for effective suicide prevention. Trainings represent the commitment to training reflected in the Utah Suicide Prevention Plan as well as priorities in the National Strategy for Suicide Prevention. To learn more about the types of trainings available to your organization.
Upcoming events are listed in order of the next available training.
Pares en Recuperacion
My Life Is Worth Living Series
In Our Own Voice: Mental Health Presentation
Unidos en Recuperacion/Conexiones
Suicide Loss Grief Support Support
Jovenes Latinxs LGBTQ+ (Eng & Spa)
Survivors of Suicide Attempts Support Group (SOSA)
Survivors of Suicide Loss (SOSL)
Family and Friends: Mental Health Seminar
Grupo de Apoyo de Familia
LGBTQIA+ 101 Cultural Competency Training for Medical & Mental Health Professionals
Survivors of Suicide Attempts Support Group (SOSA)
Pares en Recuperacion
My Life Is Worth Living Series
In Our Own Voice: Mental Health Presentation
Unidos en Recuperacion/Conexiones
Suicide Loss Grief Support Support
Jovenes Latinxs LGBTQ+ (Eng & Spa)
Survivors of Suicide Attempts Support Group (SOSA)
Counseling on Access to Lethal Means-Utah (CALM-Utah) Course
QPR Training: Question. Persuade. Refer.
Family and Friends: Mental Health Seminar
Grupo de Apoyo de Familia
Survivors of Suicide Attempts Support Group (SOSA)
Pares en Recuperacion
My Life Is Worth Living Series
In Our Own Voice: Mental Health Presentation
Unidos en Recuperacion/Conexiones
Suicide Loss Grief Support Support
Find Your Local Coalition
The Utah Prevention Coalition Association (UPCA) empowers communities to prevent risky behavioral health choices by implementing effective prevention programs, practices and policies.
Partner with USPC
We are dedicated to suicide prevention, the promotion of resiliency, and supporting those impacted by suicide. This is done by a vast array of partnerships with individuals and organizations from across the state. As such, we require a thorough vetting of organizations wishing to partner with the coalition to address suicide prevention.
The Utah Suicide Prevention Coalition is a partnership of community members, suicide survivors, service providers, researchers, and others dedicated to saving lives and advancing suicide prevention efforts in Utah. We meet bi-monthly on the second Monday of odd months (January, March, May, July, September, and November) from 1-2:30 p.m. except when otherwise noted. We meet at 195 North 1950 West, Salt Lake City (Room 1020). Coalition meetings are an opportunity to receive training and updated information about suicide prevention in Utah. We also have several workgroups (community awareness, training & education, workplace, faith, and policy)
Requirements to be listed as a resource on the coalition’s website:
- Must be an active member of the Utah Suicide Prevention Coalition by regularly attending coalition meetings
- Follow safe messaging guidelines:
- Must operate within best practices for suicide prevention:
- If someone wants to submit a program for review, please submit to the Evidence Based work group at DSAMH
- Must submit the request below and be approved through USPC leadership
- If you are added to the website, it does not mean USPC endorses your organization.
- If you fail to meet these requirements, USPC reserves the right to remove your agency or resource.
- You may be contacted by a member of the coalition to verify you meet requirements if additional information is needed.
If you meet the above requirements, please fill out the following information. Your request will then be considered by the USPC leadership, and you will be contacted once a decision has been made. Thank you for your interest in partnering with the Utah Suicide Prevention Coalition.
Request USPC Involvement at Your Event
Requirements to have USPC representation at your event (booth or table):
- Event should follow safe messaging guidelines:
- Must submit the request below and be approved through USPC leadership
- If USPC agrees to attend your event, it does not mean USPC formally endorses your organization.
- If you fail to meet these requirements, USPC reserve the right to decline participation in your event.
- You may be contacted by a member of the coalition to verify you meet requirements if additional information is needed.
If you meet the above requirements, please fill out the following information and reply to this email. Your request will then be considered by the USPC leadership, a USPC representative will be selected to attend your event. Request fulfillment is dependent on USPC availability. Thank you for your interest in partnering with the Utah Suicide Prevention Coalition.