
Grief of Overdose Death: A Clinical Training and Education Program

According to the CDC, there were an estimated 93,331 drug overdose deaths in the United States during 2020, an increase of 29.4% from the 72,151 deaths predicted in 2019.We estimate that there are 25 affected survivors for each death by opioid overdose, with these deaths leaving a trail of traumatic grief.

You are invited to attend a FREE program about the Grief of Overdose Death and its impact on people and communities. This is a two part training—clinicians attend the full day. All materials included.

This particular training will specifically address the traumatic grief of persons contemplating recovery, in SUD treatment and those presently in the corrections system.

The clinical training program is intended for mental health/substance abuse agency clinicians, interventionists and direct care staff, community and hospital based mental health and medical personnel, first responders, clergy, and other interested professionals who may be called upon to address those bereaved by overdose death. Clinicians will learn the Grief Support Model for Overdose Grief.

Six hours of clinical education. CEUs available. Opportunity to participate in ongoing clinical practice study

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November 30, 2021 9:00am - 3:30pm
Caring Connection College of Nursing with University of Utah Health
This training will take place on Zoom.

You must register to attend and receive materials.

To register: https://utahnursing.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_8BXEKfRmErifkqO