
LGBTQIA+ 101 Cultural Competency Training for Medical & Mental Health Professionals

This training is 101 in understanding the experiences of LGBTQIA+ people, and how to work in our homes, places of work, congregations, and communities to improve the lives of members of the LGBTQIA+ community. The 2 hour training covers basic language, current research and best practices related to the LGBTQIA+ community, privilege and daily experiences of LGBTQIA+ people including micro-aggressions, intersectionality and multiple marginalized statuses, the experiences of LGBTQIA+ youth and disparities in this group, and resources available in the community. We will also review ways to make your practice more inclusive to your LGBTQIA+ clients or patients.

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2 hour training held on the last Friday of the month.
Utah Pride Center
Online via Zoom

Register here.

$25 fee.