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Clinical Trainings and Resources
Human life has value. When great suffering is present, there is still a possibility for meaning, for healing, for redemption. As provides, as healers in our community, these are likely beliefs that you hold close. Safe suicide care begins the moment the patient walks through the door for the first time. It is essential that we have the necessary skills to provide excellent care, which in turn will help us feel more confident in our ability to provide caring and effective assistance to patients with suicide risk. When supported through the suicidal crisis and we treat their pain effectively, most individuals at risk can be reconnected with their reasons for living, and will not go on to die by suicide. A life worth living can be created and a tragic outcome avoided, if suicide risk is detected, assessed, carefully and empathetically managed, and effectively treated.

Zero Suicide is a quality improvement model that transforms system-wide suicide prevention and care to save lives.
When it comes to patient safety, the most fundamental responsibility of health care, the only acceptable number of losses due to errors in quality of care is zero. Zero Suicide applies that life-saving mindset to preventing suicide.
Zero Suicide models what it takes to make a system-wide, organizational commitment to safer suicide care. Zero Suicide is based on the realization that people experiencing suicidal thoughts and urges often fall through the cracks in a sometimes fragmented and distracted health care system. Studies have shown the vast majority of people who died by suicide saw a health care provider in the year prior to their deaths. There is an opportunity for health care systems to make a real difference by transforming how patients are screened and the care they receive.
For more information about the Zero Suicide Framework for health care systems, please visit their website, or place a request below to inquire about Utah technically assistance for implementation.
Upcoming Suicide Prevention and Behavioral Health Trainings and Events

CAMS (Collaborative Assessment and Management of Suicidality) is a therapeutic framework for suicide-specific assessment and treatment of a patient’s suicidal risk. It is a flexible approach that can be used across theoretical orientations and disciplines for a wide range of suicidal patients across different treatment settings. The clinician and patient engage in a highly collaborative assessment and suicide-specific treatment planning process. CAMS is designed to form a strong clinical alliance while increasing patient motivation.
This full-day workshop is designed to enhance professionals’ knowledge about crisis response training to manage acute suicide risk, and to increase their ability to confidently and competently administer this intervention with at-risk individuals. The first half of the workshop provides didactic knowledge about suicide, the development of the crisis response plan intervention, and its empirical support, all of which are designed to increase clinician knowledge. The second half of the workshop includes clinical demonstrations by the instructor and skills practice by attendees, which are designed for clinicians to acquire skill competency.
Counseling on Access to Lethal Means (CALM)- Utah is a one hour course to teach you how to have sensitive and effective conversations with at-risk patients regarding access to firearms and other highly lethal methods. Be a part of the solution to reduce suicide deaths in Utah.
Visit their website here.
Clinical Training Request
For inquiries about a clinical training, please fill in the boxes below.