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Trans Lifeline

If you or a trans person you know is in a life threatening emergency or in immediate danger of harming themselves.

Trans Mental health crisis help

Call (877) 565-8860 or visit

Click here for Suicide Prevention service to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, & questioning (LGBTQ) young people under 25.

If you or someone you know is in a life threatening emergency or in immediate danger of harming themselves, call 988.

Dial 1 Specialized for VA
Dial 2 for Spanish
Dial 3 for the Trevor Project

Live On – Josie’s Story

What does an ally look like?
What are pronouns?

Find your local behavioral health organization

If you are in search of your local resources click the button or the photo to go to the Division of Substance Abuse and Mental Health’s website. On this site, you will find the map shown, and will be able to click on your county to find the local mental health authority. 

Find grief support groups

Grief from a suicide loss is unique and complicated. You may experience intense feelings of shock, despair, fear, anger, relief, guilt, or shame. These feelings are normal, even if they are directed at the person who died and do not mean you did not love them. It can often be helpful to have support from many different sources. Support groups can help you find others going through similar situations. To find a support group near you, click the button below.

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